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Sarah Hohmann wearing a rainbow tshirt to express the LQBTQ+ Community and to express her own sexuality

Hello you beautiful soul!

I’m Sarah!

Thank you so much for hanging out on my website! It really means a lot to me that you’re viewing all the pictures I have taken over the years and check out my personal projects. It was so much fun creating and I’m so happy I get to share them here as well. Each picture tells a story and I hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I enjoyed taking the pictures. 

Even though I take a lot of landscape photography, I’m always up for new challenges and experiences. So I hope, since you’re hanging out here, that this means you’re interested in getting your photographs taken. Or want to know more about me as a person. That is brilliant! I hope I get the chance to talk to you rather sooner than later.

How I got started ...

So how did I get into photography? It was a happy accident, I’d say. I just moved to Dublin, Ireland for an internship which turned out to be pretty bad. I stuck it out for a couple of months before I quit the job and started working with a Photography Agency. This is where I first experienced event and portrait photography. I scanned glass negatives which was a pretty awesome experience as well. On the weekends, I experimented a lot with outdoor photography, especially because I enjoy being outside a lot. It was a lot of trial and error. But here I am!

After leaving Ireland and moving to the Swedish countryside to study, I had an easier access to nature as well. And the area where I used to live was beautiful. That’s when I also invested in a new camera. And I’m still so happy with it! And ever since, Im still learning and expanding my skills. I’m experimenting with different types of photography, like boudoir as you can see here. Isn’t that a beautiful thing? To try out new things and sometimes they turn out overwhelmingly good.

A black and white close up self portrait created during a sensual self portrait photo shooting

Adventures And Coffee.

I love going on adventures and exploring new places and then coming back home to a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate. Who would say No to that, right? I love discovering new places and going out for adventures. It gives me so many stories to tell. I started writing them down in a sort of travel-or-adventure-diary, so I will be able to remember the amazing adventures in 10 or 20 years from now. I even have a “memory book” where people leave their marks, so one day I will be able to look back and remember each person who contributed to my happiness at least at some time during my life. I always struggled with forgetting so I make sure, I remember. Reading through my own travel adventures while sipping hot coffee brings me calmness. 

Did I Leave Any Question Unanswered?

I’d be happy to hear from you. Get in touch and we can talk about it!

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