Getting to this waterfall was fairly easy. It was only a 2km hike from the parking lot. I passed by quite a few smaller waterfalls on the hike, but they didn’t photograph well. The trail was designed so that you could only see them from above and there was no opportunity to climb down to the shore. They were still very pretty to look at! Fettjeåfallet is roughly 60 meters high and is a popular destination for hikers in the summer and for ice climbers in winter. The day I went there was pretty dull, with no interesting light at all because the clouds covered the sky. Anyhow, I prefer this type of weather over bright sunshine. I still remember how many families with children were around this area. It seemed like a great spot for a picnic for them. The kids jumped around on the rocks and played with the water. It seemed like a lot of fun. I searched for quite a while for the right position for this image. I wanted to show the entire waterfall as much as it was possible and also wanted to avoid the kids. So I decided on the position you can see in the image above.
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