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Who remembers winter? Well, I certainly do. I love winter and seeing frozen waterfalls will always feel like magic to me. Seeing the icicles, frozen in motion, right next to the still moving water, it creates a certain type of atmosphere and feeling that is hard to put into words. I remember this day as if it just happened yesterday. The hike to the waterfall wasn’t hard, only 5km uphill through 30cm of snow at -9°C. It was an adventure! Surprisingly enough, I did not even have to stand in the water to get this image. This is something that happens quite often when I photograph waterfalls. There is a high chance I will end up standing in the waterfall, just to get a certain image.

When I look at this photo now, I still feel the cold and crisp air going through my lungs. I still feel the ice and the snow beneath my shoes. Winter is more or less over (at least here in Sweden, finally). So before winter is leaving us, I wanted to share the last images from winter. To give myself and also you, who is reading these lines, something to look forward to. Winter will come around again and maybe I will be able to discover more frozen waterfalls!

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