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This picture was taken in the Vålådalen Nature reserve. I still remember driving down the street and seeing this view. It was hard not to stop, I just had to. The moody sky from the storm that was rolling in, how the trees hug the mountains. It was like magic! It was already late summer in the North, almost autumn. The air was fresh and crisp. That’s something you wouldn’t expect in late July. But I loved it. I’m not a summer person, I love the cold. Even though it wasn’t cold, I could feel that autumn was just around the corner. And I would have loved to be there when it started. I can only imagine how beautiful this would look with the everchanging colors of the transition between summer and winter. Will I come back? I sure hope so.

Sometimes a photo requires endless kilometers of hiking and getting up at 4 in the morning (something that I refer to as “stupid o’clock). Other photos, like this one, are something I refer to as “roadside photography” where you literally stop on the road and are able to take the photo. Sometimes you are lucky and locations like this are accessible by car rather than on foot. Comfortable landscape photography is a thing!

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