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Tilas Stoll in Sweden


I’m happy to be releasing the first image from my roadtrip last summer that I called “Back To The North”. This is one of the first images I took. Finding this location was a littler trickier but it was definitely worth it. I wasn’t expecting that a tunnel would lead to this location but it did, To be said, this wasn’t our first stop but definitely the first stop where I was able to take a successful picture. You might have seen similar compositions online from this. Reason for this is that even though this location is awesome as it is, it doesn’t leave a lot of room for creativity because of the limited space you have to walk around. Am I still proud of this picture? Of course, I am. It is not worth any less just because other photographer’s might have similar photos in their portfolios.

I love the moss, the rawness at this location. Water form the ceiling was dropping onto me while I was looking for the composition and since it was in cave, it was significantly colder. Looking at this picture, I can still feel the cold fresh air and feel the waterdrops on my skin. Would you like to visit this location, too?


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