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Tännforsen in Northern Sweden, the largest waterfall. What an incredible location and I had the honor of going there on my birthday. Just me, myself and I and a majestic waterfall. Can you see now what I meant when I said I love waterfalls? How can anyone not love those locations. Finding a composition at this location wasn’t the easiest because of all the people who want to see the waterfall. Especially in summer, it’s a very popular location to visit. I’m convinced I found a good one! I love how you can still see how powerful the water was. How loud the area was.

I took a hike around the whole area to become familiar with the surroundings and could find a great composition in the end. There was also a platform right at the drop where people usually take their photos for Instagram. I knew I wanted the whole waterfall in frame so I passed on the platform. The queue for it was quite long as well. I hiked down to the water, passed by all the people and came up with this composition, right at the water viewing Sweden’s largest waterfall. What do you think? Let me know!

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