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Red Rock Canyon Nature Reserve Area in Nevada USA

Welcome to Nevada #1

Welcome to beautiful Nevada! It’s been my first time to the USA and what a trip that was. We rented the car from Los Angeles and drove across the desert to end up in Las Vegas where we spent the weekend. Coming from Europe, driving in the US was an adventure for itself. We made it there safe and sound, even though I drove by the entrance to the hotel three times, We only spent two nights in the city and I insisted on visiting the Nature Reserve Area close by. I pre-booked the ticket during breakfast and we were really lucky I did. The park was full and everyone who didn’t pre book had to turn around. And to be fair, I never realised how far in the middle of nowhere Las Vegas actually is. It was only a short drive and we ended up in the desert with cacti, snakes and dust. What a crazy world!
We took the scenic route to drive around and stopped multiple times. The parking spots were crowed but the road was almost empty. On our last stop (that could only be reached by off-roading) I viewed this scene and jumped out of the car. It was my first time seeing cacti in real life in their natural habitat. I framed up the shot with the mountains in the background, The picture itself is a vertical panorama stitched together out of three single images.

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