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laxtrapporna i Jämtland in Swedish Lapland

The legendary stairs

Laxtrapporna is Swedish and stands for “Salmon stairs”. This is exactly what this place is. It is just around the corner from Jämtland’s Blue Lagoon. What an adventure! I took this picture the same day I took the image “The turquoise waterfall“.

I also spend some time around this area before I switched to my zoom lens to capture this image. Could you see I didn’t use my wide-angle lens? It was very bright and sunny that day, and warm as well. Bright and sunny made it tricky, to get a long exposure image of this place. So how did I get it without any filters? Patience. Patience is key in landscape photography and this is a great example of this. I was lucky, there were a few lonely clouds in the sky. So all I had to do was wait until one of the clouds blocked the sun for a minute. Or less. It was less than a minute but that’s all the time I needed to capture this image. I know, I wouldn’t have this issue if I used filters. Well, maybe one day when I have them!

The area is well known for its turquoise waters. That was the reason I wanted to go there. It’s a great destination for a hot summer day. There are plenty of little lakes to cool off in. The area is also popular for fishing, as the name “Laxtrapporna” might suggest.


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