Hello and welcome! Great to see you here.
I am a landscape photographer who enjoys a hot cup of coffee while editing beautiful images and writing stories about my adventures.
Have a look at beautiful images!
Capturing beautiful images where ever I might be.
Traveling and exploring the places least visited. Traveling on the roads less traveled.
A place where memories come alive and turn into stories.Story
And once life gets too comfortable we stop feeling alive, simply because we don’t have to anymore.
– Unknown
Read about my adventures here!
So let's continue with the second part of my week in and around Östersund in…
Camping in summer is fun, until you start counting the mosquito bites. I ended up…
Going on a trip is always such a big adventure, especially when you going places you planned on visiting years ago! For me, that was Vildmarksvägen in Northern Sweden/Southern Lapland. Come on an adventure with me!
What an adventure is trip already is! I am still processing the last few days and the incredible happy feelings I felt and the rush of excitement. I fell in love with this tiny little place here in the North!
A 4 km long valley that stretches across the mountains, boulders as tall as houses or even taller, telling stories of the last Ice Age. A place where fairytales and trolls come back to life and were magic found a place. A place where untouched nature tells history.